My name is Mateusz Bysiek. I was born in Warsaw, capital of Poland, now I live in Japan where I study computing sciences.
My name is Mateusz Bysiek. I was born in Warsaw, capital of Poland, now I live in Japan where I study computing sciences.
Hello world!
The typed-astunparse Python package is to typed-ast as astunparse is to ast. In 10 words: it enables unparsing of Python 3 AST with type comments.
Smoothie is a static fluid flow (or heat transfer, if you prefer) simulator, which uses the finite element method. The core of the computational part of the application is done in C++, user interface is made in Qt, while visualization is done in OpenGL.
A unified OpenCL abstraction layer for C++ and C#. Work in progress.
Open-source application for distributed discovery of prime numbers. The application is capable of looking up numbers from 2 to 263-1 - per project requirements.
Phinite is a windows desktop application that implements an approximate solution to a language theory problem. The task was to create a deterministic finite-state machine that is equivalent to a given regular expression.
Apriori and Apriori All are algorithms used for sequence mining, a type of data mining that is very commonly used in a shopping environment. When you see a list of products titled “users who bought this also bought that” or if you see that an alcohol section in a shop is next to snacks section, chances are that sequence mining is behind that.
A 3-person team project that we did for Algorithms & Complexity course during our Bachelor studies. The project introduced the problem starting with a rectangular board filled with domino pieces, and defined certain rules for removing them. The task was to design and implement an algorithm that removes (in accordance with rules) as many domino pieces as possible from the board as quickly as possible. Hence the name VaDoR, from VAnishing DOmino pRoblem.